Thank you for participating in our ITM User Group Virtual Town Halls!
2023 Town Hall dates are:
ITM User Group Town Halls take place 4-5pm EST on the last Wednesday of each month.

To register for the town hall series, please reach out to

This series provides a collaborative forum to share and learn from other ITM users in order to achieve the desired delivery capability with your currently deployed NCR Interactive Services solution. NCR also uses this forum to communicate product information and updates from NCR resources such as product management and engineering to allow ITM users to engage in discussions with these resources. 
We consistently gather information provided in feedback to select topics most important to this group. 
When: Dates are noted above. Times are subject to change. Facilitator information will be added to meeting details when it becomes available.

Platform: Microsoft Teams Webinar links will be sent with your registration confirmation.
We’re all adjusting to the realities of more video conferences than ever before, and we have a few recommendations:
  • The conference line will open 5 minutes before the scheduled start time, so you can log on early to check all A/V system
  • Your line will be muted
  • You can raise your hand to join the conversation and be unmuted by the event host
  • There will be Q&A during the event through Teams
What: The Interactive Teller User Group provides a collaborative forum to leverage other customer experiences, share feedback, and enjoy an open discussion of ideas. This organization is meant to bring together current Interactive Teller customers, members of the NCR Interactive Teller team, and when appropriate, integral third parties to allow for valuable, direct, and open lines of communication.
Why: We are focused on providing an environment where all of our customers can learn from each other and accelerate achieving the desired delivery capability with their deployed Interactive Teller Solution (ITMs). We plan to achieve this by:
  1. Creating collaborative dialogues around the current and future direction of ITMs.
  2. Enabling forums to share best practices, tips & tricks, as well as to highlight ITM success stories.
  3. Assembling interconnected parties to align on strategic initiatives, explore the future of ITMs, and discuss the solution’s roadmaps.
How: There will be a series of “Town Hall Meetings” for Interactive Teller customers to participate in. Each meeting will have a set of topics that will be discussed. Topic suggestions can be emailed to
* These virtual Town Halls are NOT a sales seminar NOR a service/maintenance call.
Any customer that is not currently signed up for the NCR’s Town Hall meetings and would like to be on the list, please email the ITM Expert mailbox (