Frequently Asked Questions
How much does registration cost and what does it include?
Great question! For customer attendees, our registration fee is $300 USD if you book within the STARLIMS hotel block at the Loews Portofino Bay Hote. This includes:
  • A welcome gift
  • All keynotes, sessions, and breakouts
  • The welcoming reception event and the Discovery Cove offsite event (drinks and appetizers will be provided during welcoming reception, and drinks and dinner will be provided during the Discovery Cove customer event)
  • light meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks, and refreshments during the conference)
What does registration not include?
Registration does not include travel costs, hotel accommodations, or additional food and beverage costs outside of what was outlined in the previous question. It also does not include free tickets to any of the theme parks.
Where and when is STARLIMS Connect being held this year?
STARLIMS Connect is being held May 20-23, 2024 at the beautiful Loews Portofino Bay Hotel in Orlando, Florida. You can learn more about our venue here.
How do I register for the event?
You can go to our registration page our homepage and hit the registration button. Once you register, you will be asked for payment. Once you submit payment, you will then be directed to a link to book your hotel accommodations. As a reminder, hotel accommodations are not included in your registration fee.
What are check-in and check-out times for the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel?
Check-in is at 4:00pm ET, and check-out is at 11:00am ET.
I see there’s a welcoming reception being held on Monday, May 20th evening. Can you tell me more about that?
Of course! We’re holding a welcoming reception on Monday, May 20th to kick off what is sure to be a fun-filled, exciting event. There will be drinks, appetizers, and tons of opportunities to network with peers, thought leaders, and the STARLIMS team!
What is this Discovery Cove offsite event I see happening Wednesday evening, May 22nd?
We want to close out STARLIMS Connect with a fun way for our attendees to relax, kick back, and enjoy the beautiful Florida weather. Taking place at the lush Discovery Cove park, we’ll have dinner, drinks, and beach games waiting for you as you dig your toes into sand and enjoy the views. Read more about our customer offsite event here.
How do I get to the Discovery Cove event? Will transportation available?
Yes! We will have shuttles that will take you to and from the Discovery Cove event. You can learn more about the event here.
I don’t see any content scheduled for Thursday, May 23. Why is that?
With a jam-packed agenda scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday and a fun customer offsite event planned Wednesday night, we want to make your last day easy. Breakfast will be provided, but the rest of the day is yours (we hear there are some great theme parks around).